Friday, November 4, 2011

Youth A.D. on Freaq Records compilation

You can now download the first Various Artist Release by FreaQ FREE OF CHARGE from Juno Download. Remember this release will only be free till the 1st of December. So download while the gettin's good!
Buy Various: Selected by Electronica Works (Free Release) at Juno Download

Monday, October 31, 2011

Youth A.D. on Razor Blade Dance Floor

Taken from Razor Blade Dance Floor:

Posted on October 30, 2011 by Joe Graham

Hey everyone, Duffman is back with a brand new show and he has some new tunes to play for you. What do the songs sound like? All you have to do is get the episode and listen. Spread the word to your friends that Razor Blade Dance Floor is still the best source for Industrial Rock and Metal!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

YOUTH A.D.: Corporate Dogs (CyberfArts, 2011) Review from

Od glave do pete, Youth A.D. je oneman bend Stevana Pivničkog iz Srbobrana kome se jedino priključuju muzičari za potrebe živih svirki. Inače, on sam radi, piše, komponira, snima, svira i producira svoje radove koji su žanrovski okrenuti uglavnom u oldschool industrial maniru, a po reputaciji vrlo blisko kotira novosadskim DreDDup, niškim Figurative Theatre i Third I. Redovito je aktivan zajedno sa dobrim dijelom Crime:Scene Records ekipe (nekadašnji D:S Records), nastupa po sukladnim festivalima i eventima, te je prisutan na nekolicini underground kompilacija. Rad pod ovim imenom počeo je 2000., a debitantski album "MH:MKULTRA" realizirao je 2008. za nizozemsku izdavačku kuću CyberfArts koja mu je objavila i ovaj drugi dugosvirajući rad.

Za razliku od instrumentalnog prvijenca koji je imao mnoštvo eksperimentalija, samplova, laganih natruha harsha, vragolasto izvitoperenih ritmova i neobičnih gitarskih noise rješenja, Stevan je na drugom, prijelomnom albumu posve okrenuo stil u cjelovite vokalne kompozicije i daleko jednostavnije plesnije tempove s elementima EBM estetike kojima je suprotstavio nabrušeni industrial zvuk uz katkad prisutne baraže snažnog repetativnog elektronskog hard-funka. Tako se kroz cijeli niz kompozicija oslobađa prostor pogodan za plesne podije djelomično se prisjećajući dobro znanog starozavjetnog štiva Front 242, Skinny Puppy, Nitzer Ebb, minimalističkih obrazaca Cabaret Voltaire i ranih elektronskih Ministry recimo sve do faze "Psalm 69". Izuzev uvodne "God TV" koja u sebi sadrži produljenu jeku prvijenca sa specifičnim varijabilnim ritmom koji je pretvoren u vodeću melodiju, kompozicije "Voice within", "Focus on the mission", "The fire is me" i "Bleed" potpuno uranjaju u epsku kronologiju EBM/industriala 80-ih na kojega se bez ikakvih problema može plesati. Osim narativnih, u nekoliko navrata Stevan koristi polumelodične growlove koji ne bježe daleko od death-metal nabrušenosti, a pojedine skladbe se mogu sagledati čak i iz prizme industrial-metala budući da u sebi sadrže dostatnu količinu visokooktanskih gitarskih riffova koji su producirani preko njegovih tko zna kakvih procesora i efekata. Jedan od takvih komada je prvi singl "State of terror" za kojeg je snimljen i prateći video u produkciji Fiat Pompeious Films.

Nakon vraški nabrijanih prvih dvadeset i pet minuta, u drugom dijelu albuma dolaze ritmički daleko lakši i umjereniji tempovi koji posve dokazuju činjenicu da se Youth A.D. definitivno preselio na plesne podije, dakako underground klubova. Pjesma "She loves her suicide" iznenađuje svojom toplinom mračnog i tromog synth-popa kao da je produljena industrial ruka alternativnog Gary Numana, a "Napalm rainbow" opčinjava čudesnim obrednim tempom uvijenim sa harmonijama syntha, gitarskim riffovima i elegantno uklopljenim elektronskim funk basovima. Sljedbenik ove etike je i "Death inc", no ona se u refrenu mjestimično pretapa u hardcore-punk koji dakako ništa ne smeta, ali se znatno po svojoj agresiji odvaja od prethodne dvije, vrlo uravnotežene, skoro pa 'pop' pjesme. Posljednja "Nothing" je daleko najjednostavnija skladba čitavog materijala sa ogoljenom strukturom, jednostavnim formatom i čitavim serijalom vokalnih samplova, kao i sirovim repeticijama u kojima se najjasnije očitavaju Stevanovi growlovi nalik na Jourgensena, a po svojem obliku ima sve odlike klasičnih Ministry s prelaza 80-ih u 90-te. Malčice zasmeta što finiš albuma nema nikakav 'outro' ili instrumentalni izvodnik, već završava kao da najavljuje neku posve novu, možda kristalno čistu fazu u kojoj bi živa instrumentalizacija mogla pojesti sve one dosadašnje Stevanove samplirane vragolije.

State of terror

Svih ovih 10 pjesama ima detaljno sračunatu i izgrađenu konstrukciju klasične 'pop' pjesme (uvod, strofa, refren, solo, finiš) bez ikakvih kompleksnih aranžmana, breakova ili neočekivanih prevrata. Gibaju se pravolinijski od početka do kraja ne odstupajući niti milimetar od zacrtanog formata, no u sebi sadrže iznimno zanimljive i uzbudljive detalje bilo da se radi o inteligentno postavljenim odnosima harmonija i melodija, lirski mračnim opservacijama prožetim angažiranim temama inspiriranih društveno-političkim kaosom i individualnim preokupacijama, te ubjedljivo dotjeranim repeticijama koje su osnovni temelj Stevanovih gradacija.

Album jednostavno moćno lupa i udara svom silinom atakirajući na poganje i skakanje, te se uz ovih 40-tak minuta nikako ne može ostati statičan kao što je to bio slučaj sa debijem koji je bio prvenstveno namjenjen za slušanje. Nekolicina pjesama se bez ikakvih problema pokazuje relevantnim hit ubodima ovozemnog industrial undergrounda približivši se moćnoj gomilici izvođača koji su već naveliko podigli prašinu svojim radovima i koncertnim nastupima (riječki One Piece Puzzle, spomenuti DreDDup i dobar dio C:S ekipe, potom znatno drugačiji i senzibilniji, no vrlo bliski kLeimor...), a čitav album isijava energijom u kojoj je sklopljeno nekoliko vitalnih žanrova uključujući i punk i hardcore i metal. Ta sinergija osobito dolazi do izražaja prilikom živih nastupa na kojima se Stevanu priključuju basist i gitarist, a tko zna, možda u dogledno vrijeme Youth A.D. osvane i sa bubnjarem, a i još ponekim glazbenikom (recimo klavijaturistom), što bi Stevanu moglo dati potpuni prostor kao frontmenu koji je ionako alfa i omega cijele priče.

ocjena albuma [1-10]: 8

horvi // 21/10/2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Youth A.D. - Corporate Dogs (2011)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Corporate Dogs are out ! ! !

Second album by industrial-core project Youth A.D. is out once again  on CyberfArts label.
You can get it here

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Album & video release of Youth A.D.

Premiere of State Of Terror official video made by Fiat Pompeius Films and
digital release of Youth A.D. second album.

Video will be set to public on the day of release.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Youth A.D. on Industrial Wasteland: Volume 1

Industrial Wasteland: Volume 1 is a compilation that features local and national acts from the Industrial, Goth, EBM and Alternative underground scenes. This compilation is a digital-only release that features thirty one unique songs that will open both your ears and minds to the music of the underground. Whether you’re already a fan, or you’re looking to expand your horizons, Industrial Wasteland: Volume 1 is a guaranteed way to plunge yourself deep into the underground.
Download Link

The artists featured on this compilation have provided permission to feature their song(s) on Industrial Wasteland: Volume 1 and on the websites provided for download in connection with this compilation. Each band/artist/act reserve their own individual rights to the song(s) they contributed to this compilation.

1.   Sonik Foundry – The Wakening (Redemption Remix) [Maine, USA]
2.   Diverje – Suffer This World (Destructed by Ðetuned Ðestruction) [New Mexico, USA)
3.   Carfax Abbey - Evisceration [Pennsylvania, USA]
4.   Virus Cycle – Alice In Zombieland [Massachusetts, USA]
5.   Produkt – Decay [New York, USA]
6.   Septron – Koma [Germany]
7.   The Shanklin Freakshow – Noir Soleil [England]
8.   End of an Era – The Walking Dead [New Jersey, USA]
9.   Devil-M – Hold Me [Germany]
10.  Obsidian Radioactive – First Strike is Imminent [Greece]
11.  Streak – Fade [Massachusetts, USA]
12.  8 Digital – Skin and Bone [Canada]
13.  Übermensch – The Razor Skyline (Skull Crusher Stomp Mix 150) [Florida, USA]
14.  Atomic Neon – Follow (E-Mixery) [Germany]
15.  Ghost In The Static – Downer [England]
16.  God Shaped Void – Stay [Pennsylvania, USA]
17.  9th Evolution – Say Cleanse [Florida, USA]
18.  Schultz – Human Body [France]
19.  Rabbit at War – Hasenhatz [Germany]
20.  Ðetuned Ðestruction – Fire Sale [Germany]
21.  Youth A.D. – State of Terror [Serbia]
22.  Flesh Eating Foundation – So Yeah (Beta Version) [England]
23.  Black Wedding – Control (Stripped Mix) [New York, USA]
24.  Mortuus Ortus – Six Feet to Success [New Hampshire, USA]
25.  Droid Sector Decay – Everything Has Collapsed… [Greece]
26.  Dyskhord – YCIC? [Arizona, USA]
27.  Beatbox Machinery – Fighting Industrial of the Metallic Bolt [Greece]
28.  LaCaducidad – Followed [Germany]
29.  Misanthrope Insect – Arial Code [Germany]
30.  Microwaved – Worthless (featuring Sean ‘Satyr’ Tracy of Produkt) [Iowa, USA]
31.  AbSYNth Backlash – Broken [Indiana, USA]

Thursday, May 12, 2011

SOB internet magazine

SOB is an internet based magazine about industrial music and industrial culture.

They regularly post interviews, reviews, events, about record labels, videos and pod-casts.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Youth A.D. on TMT VECERA - EPIZODA 2 (radio show)

To Moj Tim Vecera (18.10.2010.) – Spisak emitovanih numera
01. Accord - Dosta Je 04:19
02. Third Gallery - Falling away 04:26
03. Inquisitia - World below 03:35
04. Infernal Form - Face Down 04:14
05. Putrid Blood – Pokvaren do srzi 03:02
06. Kolaps – Puta Madre 02:26
07. Youth A.D. – She loves her suicide 04:07
08. Inje – Danas 04:05
09. The Hangmen – Train 02:19
10. Halford – Made Of Metal 04:01
11. All That Remains - Aggressive Opposition 03:45

Click Here To Listen

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dead Skull & Youth A​.​D.

Digital Album

Immediate download of 7-track album in your choice of 320k mp3, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire. 

This mini album was recorded during 2008. Collaboration of two electronic acts over internet. Album artwork in PDF format included with download.
released 01 December 2008 Ferenc - electronics, percussion, programming Stevan - voice, guitar, programming

Dead Skull & Youth A.D. Cover Art 

Dead Skull & Youth A.D. - Omladina maršira

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

D:S volume 3


DS:vol.3 is a compilation of ExYu industrial/gothic/darkwave bands. ExYu is a region in Balkans (Europe) where former Yugoslavia was. This compilation is the third DS established and there will be more releases. You can find more info about these bands and DS at:
D:S Forum


01 Fetus Clotted Sewage Pipes - Silent Observer Of The Rapist Simposium (1:18)
02 Sound of Illusion - Bodhisattva (4:36)
03 Heroina - Deep Into That Woods (5:46)
04 Theft and Wandering Around Lost - The Birth of Evil Flowers (4:06)
05 Strop - Mozda ovo nije muzika (6:23)
06 Abortus - Sankcije za Um (1:34)
07 Arzamas 16-001001 (3:31)
08 Black Sheep Screaming - Haunted man (4:43)
09 Essence of Night - Escape (4:37)
10 Youth A.D.-The Narrow Path (2:11)
11 Days of Yore - Mabon (3:50)
12 Svejedno - Vredi li ziveti (3:36)
13 Ellasa - Blinding Solitude (3:23)
14 Spinal Menstruation - Where the lost bullets go (3:54)
15 Zarkoff - Reclusivist (6:31)
16 Surreal Eternity - Realize Agonize (4:28)
17 JD - Surutka (0:11)
18 Dead Skull - Hilfe (6:06)
19 Konačno Mešanje - Finale (8:51)
20 Deadness - Frog City (9:04)

download link

file info:

audio files:20 (mp3-44khz-192bpm)
artwork + band infos included
release date: 28-4-2008

Monday, April 18, 2011

Youth A.D. on Industrial Noise Pollution

Follow-up to Industrial Glue Electronics.
Released on 1 Oct 2010.
Featuring giants of electronic demon conjuring like: Special Victim, Sewer Goddess, Dead Skull, Choronzon and much more. 85% are unreleased tracks specially made for this compilation.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Youth A.D. on Dark:Scene Vol.6 : Alchemy


DS:vol.6 is a compilation of ExYu industrial/gothic/experimental bands. ExYu is a region in Balkans (Europe) where former Yugoslavia was. This compilation is the sixth DS established and there will be more releases. This particular one is ment to be a compilation with covers of famous artists. It supposed to be a creative work of art where a lot of different bands cover the songs they like.

This is a completely non-profit net release and all of the rights and credits go to the original artists.
01 3D Rosava Pipe - Djurdjevdan (Bijelo Dugme) (1:51)
02 Dichotomy Engine - Resurrection (Fear Factory) (6:46)
03 Indie in Asia - Tko je zgazio gospodju Mjesec (Videosex) (3:43)
04 Youth A.D.-Amazon (Luna) (3:11)

05 dreDDup - Sentenced to Burn (Cannibal Corpse) (3:39)

06 Surreal Eternity - Love Breeds (Suicide Commando) (4:57)

07 Tamerlan - Another Brick In The Wall (Pink Floyd) (5:45)

08 Pornhouse - Counting Bodies Like Sheeps (A Perfect Circle) (4:17)
09 Zeta Reticulan Oath - Moist Vagina (Nirvana) (3:23)

10 Children Egoism- Voodoo Child (OvO) (3:04)

11 Drop Dead - Sweet Dreams (Eurythmics) (2:20)

12 DjuChong - D-mollirani (Djordje Balasevic) (4:27)

13 Gruuthaagy - Free Speech For The Dumb (Discharge) (2:33)

14 MRT - The Carny (Nick Cave) (4:15)

15 Figurative Theatre - No Shuffle (Front 242) (3:50)

16 Razzlog - Zuta Loptica (Pac-Man) (3:49)

17 Cryogenic - Of death and discord (Gruuthaagy cover) (2:14)

18 Mind Control - Lepi Mario (Satan Panonski) (2:37)

19 Erekta - The Final Countdown (Europe) (0:43)

20 Third I - 3-44 (John Cage) (3:44)

file info:
Dark Scene kompilacija (89mb)
20 tracks - 44khz192kps/mp3 + Artworks + Info
release date: 22-01-2009
download link

Youth A.D. on FUSION MUTATION (V.A. 2009)


First release of Àsino Elettronico.

press info: After several months of preparations, we are now proud to announce the first ever release by Àsino Elettronico - a rather unusual collection of unique tracks to get you inspired throughout this winter! Carefully packed limited number of promotional hard-copies (jewel-case CD with booklet) are to be distributed among media and friends, while the full package (containing 320kbps mp3 files, pdf booklet and additional artwork) is completely free for download and non-profit distribution under CreativeCommons licence. Going for the unusual, deep and abstract listening experience, we bring you eight selected tracks, made exclusively for this promotional release by these promising artists.


Youth A.D.
Nemanja Lazić


Youth A.D. on Araneum : Soundtrack

ambient / industrial
rd: 04-05-2010

This is the first soundtrack release for Dark:Scene records. Movie "Araneum" is a post-apocalyptic drama which takes place in a rusty old dark building. Few of the survivors (of some terrible things "outside") are still living in the building. Following the young man Adam's story, we'll soon find out that this building has horrible secrets. This soundtrack is very ambient and industrial driven.


01 Tamerlan - Tema za srce (0:28)
02 kLEIMOR - Wormhole (3:19)
03 Legacy of Crush - A Minute in the Mind of a Killer (1:01)
04 MRT - Hodnici (2:58)
05 Tamerlan - Adamova tema1 (1:10)
06 Youth A.D. - Unpleasant Situation 1 (5:16)
07 Replicant Delights - Monolith Man (9:23)
08 MRT - Staklo (3:00)
09 Somnifera Profunda - The IX commandments (6:22)
10 Cosmomachia - Sakki (4:51)
11 MRT - Voices (3:58)
12 Third I - Threatful Silence (3:45)
13 Tamerlan - Hodnici1 (2:44)
14 Youth A.D. - Hallway theme (4:13)
15 MRT - Skinny horse (4:58)
16 Erekta - You're stuck in my lungs (2:48)
17 Replicant Delights - The Night Is Young (3:07)
18 Dark Ofay Din - Cold Turkey (3:12)

file info:

size: 96mb
18 tracks - 44khz192kbps/mp3
download link

Youth A.D. on Ex-Yugoslavian INDUSTRIAL ROCK

Ex-Yugoslavia is a term for the region were Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Montenegro countries exist today. It was all one big communist country until the war in 1991. Anyway, here is something that might be interesting for you guys. This is a old-school mix-tape compilation that I've done to present to you industrial rock bands from these parts. Some of them only did industrial rock for short period in their career, and some of them are full industrial rock acts. I've attached a small .txt file to the compilation were you have information about the bands. Anyway, most of the bands on this compilation are from the 80's and 90's. Hope you will like them. :)

here's the track list:

01 Borghesia - Ni Upanja Ni Strahu (4:28)
02 Overdose - Hole (4:40)
03 Kleimor - Orientatia (3:35)
04 Crossroatsz - War (2:37)
05 dreDDup - One is Alive (5:18)
06 Chornobyl In House - Golden Needle (3:33)
07 Transmisia - Dumbshow (3:53)
08 Klopka za pionira - Pistolj (3:12)
09 Katarza - Z (2:45)
10 Koh - Thoughtful Animal (4:12)
11 S.o.K. - Justice (3:47)
12 Dead Businessman - Pitchloop (3:08)
13 Laibach - Message from the Black Star (5:46)
14 Youth A.D. - State Of Terror (3:13)
15 Pure - New Life (5:06)
16 Urgh! - Cekic (3:33)
17 P.M.S. - Psycho Song (3:50)
18 CutNpAsTe - Kill Em All and Come Back Alone (3:15)
19 Vivisect - Skill to Kill (4:06)
20 Moholitx - Lambs (5:31)
21 Drop Dead - You Are Dead (live) (1:54)
22 Pornhouse - Kaam Ya (4:54)

file size: 117 mb
format: mp3 44khz/192kbps
download link

Live at Maxim